This week (August 16th-21st) health services around the world are hoping to catch people’s attention with the #MissingType campaign. Set up by London-based PR agency, Engine Group, along with the NHS Blood and Transplant organisation, the campaign aims to raise awareness of the drop in blood donations and urge people to become blood donors.
To do so, the letters of the main blood groups, the As, Bs and Os, will disappear in signs, landmarks, and logos of participating companies around the world. Last year was the first year of the campaign in the UK and saw more than 30,000 people registering to donate blood. This year, with 25 blood services from 21 countries participating in the campaign, it will hopefully encourage new donors to get involved in blood donations for the future generations.
Compared to a decade ago the number of people becoming blood donors has dropped by almost 30%. In Ireland itself the amount of people giving blood has decreased by 21% but aims to see 8,000 new donors by the end of 2016 thanks to the #MissingType campaign.
To find out more information or to check if you’re eligible to give blood then visit